
聖地 高野山 ヨガリトリート。

2020年 7 月 11日(土)~7 月12日(日)

【場所】宿坊 桜池院 〒648-0211 和歌山県伊都郡高野町大字高野山293 


◆早割◆ 4月末までにお申込み下さい。




夕ヨガ 田中裕子
タイマッサージ 横瀬ゆり
朝ヨガ・マインドフルネス瞑想 山本響子

<7/11(土)> *昼食は各自でお済ませの上、ご参加ください。
13:00 櫻池院集合・自己紹介
13:45~15:00 夕ヨガ(田中裕子)
15:15~17:00 タイマッサージ(横瀬ゆり)
17:30 夕食・入浴
19:00~20:00 阿字観体験
20:00~ 入浴・自由時間
21:00~ 消灯
6:30~ 朝の勤行
7:30~ 朝食
8:30~9:40 朝ヨガ・マインドフルネス瞑想(山本響子)
10:00~ チェックアウト・その後、写経・写仏体験

yuyoga 田中裕子 

<< English after Japanese>>
2 days 1 night Yoga Retreat
At The UNESCO World Heritage Site Koyasan in Wakayama
【stay and yoga venue】
Koyasan YOCHI-IN Temple
(Address) 293 Koyasan Koyacho Ito-gun Wakayama 648-0211
◇Access Information◇
Take a cable car from "Nankai Koyasan Gokuraku-bashi st." then get off at "Koyasan st.". From the cable station, take Nankai Rinkan Bus, get off at "Kon-dou Mae" and walk 3 mins to get to YOCHI-IN Temple.
*Useful Information!!
"Koyasan-World Heritage Ticket"
2day bus pass is available for every station along Nankai Koya Line and round trip bus ticket. This website will be renewed this April 1st with further information of the new term of purchasing and so on according to the Nankai Electric Railway.
*There's a free parking lot for up to 15 regular sized cars at the temple.

【cancellation policy】
The cancellations made on the day and the day before the event starts (on 2020/7/11 and 7/12) will be subject to charge 100% of the registration fee as the cancellation fee.
The claim of refunding for each activity and meal mentioned in "admission" will not be accepted if you missed them for personal reasons.

【the quota of participants】up to 25 people
(The registration must be made by June 30th. There's a possibility that the registration may close if it gets full by June 30th.)
Including accommodation fee・Evening/Morning Yoga・dinner/breakfast・ Meditation・Thai Massage ・Tracin Sutra or Tracing Buddha's portrait ・Buddhist religious service in the morning of the 2nd day.
◇Adults 20,000yen
◇Children (being from 7 to 11 years old) 10.700yen
◆early birds◆ The registration must be made by the end of April.
◇Adults 18.000yen
◇No early bird system for children

• Comfortable clothes to do some exercising and carry out the activities in the schedule
• clean socks and a face towel(For the use in Thai massage)
•Yoga mat is not necessary as the temple has tatami mats on the floor.
•Something like jackets or cardigans for temperature adjustment in case it gets cold.
*Following amenities are available at the temple.
bath towel / face towel / toothbrush /
shampoo / soap / hair dryer @bathroom

Evening Yoga / Yuko Tanaka
Thai Massage / Yuri Yokose
Morning Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation / Kyoko Yamamoto

The 11th July (sat)
13:00 the meet up at YOCHI-IN Temple
To have orientation with all participants and instructors
13:45~15:00 Evening Yoga(Yuko)
15:15~17:00 Thai Massage(Yuri)
17:30〜 dinner (Buddhist vegetarian cuisine) /bath time
19:00~20:00 Ajikan meditation
20:00〜 free time/bath time
21:00〜 Your bedding is ready.

The 12th July (sun)
6:30~7:30 Buddhist religious service
7:30〜 breakfast(Buddhist vegetarian cuisine)
8:30~9:30 Morning Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation (Kyoko) 
10:00 check-out/ Tracin Sutra or Tracing Buddha's portrait

*This itinerary may change due to the weather and other factors. And also the contents of each activity may have some changes in response to the situations.
*We, the host, will not refund when the participant's absence occurs at each activity or meals for their personal reasons.
【reservation and inquiries】
✉︎ triputi3yoga@gmail.com
Tap the "Going" button or send a message to the email a above.
【how to register】
When you message us, write the name of the participant, e-mail address, cell phone number, and the statement like "I'd like to participate the Koyasan yoga retreat. I'd like to try tracin Sutra(or Tracing Buddha's portrait. You can chose one of them.)".
 After receiving the message, we'll send the bank account information to pay the registration fee. Please pay within a week after you receive the bank account. (The service charge for transferring money will apply.)

yuyoga 大阪・芦屋ヨガ

大阪・芦屋・オンラインでヨガ活動をしています。 yogaを行うすべての時間は私にとって 大切で大好きな時間。 日々の生活の中に 散りばめられた幸せや気づきを言葉にして 多くの方にヨガを広めていきたいと思っています。 yuyoga LINE公式アカウント お友達登録 @133lljie


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